2023-12-24: Jesus Is Everything to Me Christmas — Born to Be a Priest

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Hebrews 2:14-17

Jesus Is Everything to Me Christmas
Born to Be a Priest
Hebrews 2:14-17

Now the past 4 weeks we’ve focusing on Jesus having been born to be our Mediator, our Sanctifier, our Savior and our Redeemer. And all of those were tied into…Christ’s death on the cross.

God is holy and righteous, and (because of our sins) we’re not! And that created a problem.

But, the blood (placed on the Mercy Seat) covered the sins of the people for the year, so that Israel could continue to be in God’s presence.

His blood has cleansed our hearts. And now, when you and I pray to God we enter into God’s very throne room.

But Jesus became our High Priest so He could destroy death. Jesus came so we wouldn’t have to be afraid of death anymore.