2024-03-31: A Journey of Repentance — Journey to the Empty Tomb

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 28:1-10

A Journey of Repentance
Journey to the Empty Tomb
Matthew 28:1-10

Easter is all about Jesus! Start to finish it is about Jesus.

Consider the facts of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. His integrity is well-founded.
Jesus had already gone down the Via Delarosa, on His way of suffering and been mocked, ridiculed, and ultimately crucified for proclaiming to be the Son of the living God.

What Jesus had said would happen…happened.
What the prophets predicted was now coming to pass.

The greatest miracle of God is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the greatest blessing God could do for each one of us is provide us a way of salvation.

It was finished because He came and He died for our sins–and He was sure that God the Father was going to resurrect Him.

What are you going to do with the resurrected Jesus this Morning?

2024-03-17: A Journey of Repentance — The Best Robe

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 15:13-24

A Journey of Repentance
The Best Robe
Luke 15:13-24

The parable Jesus told, about the Prodigal Son is one of the most heart-touching stories in the Bible.

But you see, sin always takes you farther than you want to go, makes you stay longer than you intended to stay, and makes you pay more than you intended to pay.

The reason a lot of people slip back into sin is because they never hated their former life or their old sins.

The Prodigal son hit bottom: he was at the brink of death–and in fact, he “died out” to himself and all his old plans and desires. Then the new obedient son took control.

The Best Robe IS CHRIST’S PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS, given to us. Not only did Jesus suffer for our sins, He also lived a sinless life, which righteousness He willingly transfers to us!

Like these, the sound/sight that moves God the most is the sight and sound of a sinner repenting! The prodigal Father runs to that sound!

2024-03-10: A Journey of Repentance — Into Life

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 12:6-11, Romans 6:2-14

A Journey of Repentance
Into Life
Acts 12:6-11, Romans 6:2-14

Death is not an end point for us, as Christians. Physical death is not, and neither is spiritual death.

Every time a sinful action or attitude creeps up, we must cooperate with God in putting it to death and live differently.

Do you catch it? It is the same with us–Jesus has already accomplished everything at the cross, it is done, and yet we must trust and act.

Rather, I am talking about the Biblical truth of death to self—of having the old, sinful self “crucified with Christ”, of taking everything that I am and handing it over to God to be tested in the fire, to be purified, so that everything that remains would be pleasing to God.

The final step along the journey of repentance is the step into life. Into the life of God, into the fullness of God.

2024-03-03: A Journey of Repentance — “Through” Death

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Romans 6:2-14

A Journey of Repentance
“Through” Death
Romans 6:2-14

A couple of weeks ago, I invited you to come along on this journey of repentance. I promised you it would not be easy, but that it would lead to life and to freedom.

Do you see? It is not our work, it is God’s work, but we must make the space for God to do the work.

What is the next step? It is death. It is dying to self, dying to sin, being united with Jesus’ in His death, being “crucified with Christ”, and then passing through death into the next step.

Because, you see, the death we are talking about is the death of sin.

This step in the journey of repentance is not an easy step, and that is why I’ve called this step “through” death.

As we walk this Lenten Road of repentance and obedience, let me challenge those of you who have not been baptized to really consider taking that step.

2024-02-25: A Journey of Repentance — Surrender

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Romans 6:2-14

A Journey of Repentance
Romans 6:2-14

At the heart of the word “repentance” is the idea of change. Of heading one way, then stopping and heading the other way.

The fact is that you are “dead to sin but alive in God.” The truth is incredible–the battle has already been won!

We have not surrendered those areas of our lives to God, allowed His Holy Spirit into them, and cooperated with God’s desire and effort to change us and make us new.

To choose to say, before God and everyone else, “I am helpless, I am unable, I surrender to You, my Lord God, and I let you be in control.”

Who would concentrate on the outside when the problem is on the inside?

Only God can change the inside. Only the Holy Spirit has the power to enter in and clean out the rot, the stench, the filth.

We can live in our own strength, which leads to death, or we can surrender to God and let Him be our Lord and our Savior, let Him begin to transform us from the inside.

As long as you and I remain in control, our lives will be a mess.

2024-02-18: A Journey of Repentance — The Journey Begins

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 1:15

A Journey of Repentance
The Journey Begins
Mark 1:15

As great as that journey was, however, allow me to suggest that the only journeys of eternal significance are the journeys of our souls.

Repentance is more than merely acknowledging that a wrong has been done, repentance digs much deeper.

    And repentance is the message for us today.

    1. Conviction: where sin is admitted.
    2. Contrition: where sin is abhorred.
    3. Conversion: where sin is abandoned.

In true repentance, there is conviction, contrition, and conversion as one turns from his sin to Christ for salvation.

God’s way is not through self-help, the encouragement to find the good in yourself, or through cheap entertainment.