2020-11-15: Acts: Life In The Spirit — A Dead Man Named Jesus

Sermon Audio: A Dead Man Named Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 25:1-27
Duration: 20:44
Size: 14.2 MB

Acts: Life In The Spirit
A Dead Man Named Jesus
Acts 25:1-27

Jesus must become more than a dead man in the way we live and present Him to others.

I. Many People View Jesus (and Christianity) as Dead or Irrelevant
Some people are just waiting to see a Christian whose life really demonstrates the claims of their faith.

II. Many People Have Encountered the Risen Christ
Many people sitting here today have encountered the risen Christ. To you, Jesus is much more than a story.

III. It Is the Mission of Every Believer to Show that Jesus Is Alive!
That is why He gives us the mission to tell the good news about Jesus to everyone we can.

It’s hard to do what Jesus would do because we really just want to do what we want to do.

Is Jesus living in you, or is He little more than a dead man named Jesus?

Can people see that He is alive and well, or is He just a dead man named Jesus?

2020-11-08: Acts: Life In The Spirit — Happy People in an Unhappy World

Sermon Audio: Happy People in an Unhappy World
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 24:1-27
Duration: 22:31
Size: 15.4 MB

Acts: Life In The Spirit
Happy People in an Unhappy World
Acts 24:1-27

True joy is found in giving and receiving the unconditional love of Jesus. Happiness is not found in our circumstances, but in the unchanging love of God.

I. Happy People Experience Difficult Situations (Acts 24:1-9)
Paul’s happiness did not depend on his situation. Circumstances did not control Paul’s joy level.

II. Happy People Live with a Clear Conscience (Acts 24:10-16)
There is nothing like being forgiven! It has to be one of the most awesome blessings we receive from God.

You can have a clear conscience, not because you are perfect, but because Jesus can heal the pain that is in your heart because of past sins!

III. Happy People Know that Innocence Is Their Best Defense (Acts 24:17-21)
With God’s help we can live a holy and obedient life, so that there will be nothing substantial for our enemy to use against us.

IV. Happy People Receive the Truth, Even if It Hurts! (Acts 24:22-27)
The truth may make them uncomfortable and afraid, but if they act on the truth, then they will find peace and joy as a result.

2020-11-01: Acts: Life In The Spirit — He’s Got You Covered

Sermon Audio: He’s Got You Covered
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 23:12-35
Duration: 20:42
Size: 14.2 MB

Acts: Life In The Spirit
He’s Got You Covered
Acts 23:12-35

No matter how hard our enemy fights against us, God will take care of us if we will trust in Him.

I. Somebody Is Out to Get You! (Acts 23:12-15)
There is such a thing as righteous indignation, but please do not confuse your temper with God’s righteousness.

He will try to confuse you, distract you, discourage you, and even make you angry at God for the things that happen to you.

II. We Can Be Bold Enough to Resist the Enemy (Acts 23:16-22)
If God can use a child to stop the plan of the enemy, can He not use us?

Ultimately, we can never win against such a powerful enemy as Satan by ourselves. We need help from above, and the good news is that help is available to us.

III. The Lord Takes Care of Those Who Trust in Him (Acts 23:23-35)
When we have a sense of what He is up to, we can trust that He will see us through to accomplish His will in and through our lives.

Because if God is for us, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance against us.