2022-10-30: The Life of David — David’s Death

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Kings 2:1-11

The Life of David
David’s Death
I Kings 2:1-11

Today, we learn about David’s charge to Solomon and his death.

As David came to the end of his life, he told his son Solomon how to live his life in such a way that it would not be wasted.

I. Remember That All People Die (I Kings 2:10-11)
David’s death is a reminder to us that all people die. I am going to die. You are going to die. We are all going to die (unless Jesus returns before our death).

II. Act Wisely in Kingdom Matters (I Kings 2:5-9)
Thus, it was a reminder to all people that God will punish those who attack him or his representative on earth.

It seems to me that David’s instructions to Solomon regarding these three men had to with his government of God’s kingdom.

III. Live by God’s Word (I Kings 2:1-4)
Again, I ask: What would you say if you had an opportunity to give your final words?

Sadly, however, David’s sons did not obey God and his word. The earthly kingdom of David eventually fell.

The only way to keep yourself from wasting your life and making it count is to live by the word of God.

2022-10-16: The Life of David — David’s Son Solomon Anointed as King

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Kings 1:11-53

The Life of David
David’s Son Solomon Anointed as King
I Kings 1:11-53

Today we learn how David resolved this crisis and had his son Solomon anointed as king over Israel.

An outsider’s view is often different than an insider’s view.

I. The Countering of the Conspiracy (I Kings 1:11-27)
Nathan knew that God told David that Solomon was to be the next king over Israel.

II. The Prescription for the Ceremony (I Kings 1:28-37)
Nathan’s plan worked. King David swore a second oath to Bathsheba insisting that he would fulfill his first oath to make Solomon king.

David carried out God’s will to have Solomon succeed him as king when he gave them instructions about the ceremony.

III. The Crowning of the King (I Kings 1:38-40)
Every person faces the same choice today. Who will be our king? Will it be Jesus? Or will it be some rival to Jesus?

IV. The Submission to the King (I Kings 1:41-53)
This was awkward. Adonijah’s guests suddenly knew that they had backed the wrong horse. They couldn’t get out of En-rogel fast enough.

However, when Adonijah realized that his rebellion had been exposed, he threw himself on the mercy of God and his anointed king.

2022-10-09: The Life of David — David in His Old Age

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Kings 1:1-10

The Life of David
David in His Old Age
I Kings 1:1-10

The first one and a half chapters of I Kings tells us about the sunset of David’s life.

When kings and other leaders become old and feeble, there is often a grab for power.

I. We Notice the Diminishment of Others (I Kings 1:1-4)
The seventy instances of the noun king or the related verb is the most in any chapter in the Bible.

When we wrongly desire preeminence, we notice the diminishment of others.

II. We Exalt Ourselves (I Kings 1:5,6b-10)
Adonijah sought to take advantage of the situation and exalt himself.

Adonijah exalted himself by what he did, by the people he knew, and by his religious zeal. He wanted to promote the right image to the people.

III. We Pursue Our Own Pleasure (I Kings 1:6a)
In the middle of this narrative is a very important note about David’s relationship with his son Adonijah.

For the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

2022-10-02: The Life of David — David’s Census

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 24:1-25

The Life of David
David’s Census
II Samuel 24:1-25

David took a census of the nation, and it turned out to be a great calamity. Thousands of people died.

It makes many people queasy nowadays to talk about the wrath of God, but there can be no turning away from this prominent biblical theme.

I. Because of the Wrath of God, Sin Was Committed (II Samuel 24:1-9)
It is possible that the Lord was now punishing his people for rejecting him when they rejected David.

The point is that God was angry with his people, and he allowed David to commit sin.

II. Because of the Wrath of God, Judgment Was Delivered (II Samuel 24:10-15)
It was only after David recognized and confessed his sin that the Lord sent his prophet Gad to David.

III. Because of the Wrath of God, Mercy Was Pleaded (II Samuel 24:16-17)
David knew that God’s mercy is kinder and gentler than any disaster that could ever come his way.

IV. Because of the Wrath of God, Atonement Was Made (II Samuel 24:18-25)
That all looked forward to David’s Greater Son Jesus who, a thousand years after David, did die a short distance from Moriah.

2022-09-25: The Life of David — David’s Mighty Men

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 23:8-39

The Life of David
David’s Mighty Men
II Samuel 23:8-39

King David also recognized and affirmed greatness and achievement. We have his list in II Samuel 23:8-39.

I. God’s Power to Save (II Samuel 23:8-12)
Like Samson, who once killed 1,000 Philistines with a fresh jawbone of a donkey (Judges 15:15), so Josheb-basshebeth killed 800 men with a spear at one time.

David’s kingdom was a physical kingdom that points us to Jesus’ kingdom that is a spiritual kingdom.

II. God’s Enablement to Serve (II Samuel 23:13-17)
He was the king of Israel, chosen by God and anointed. Yet he could not enter his hometown and drink from the well there.

To David, the water from Bethlehem was the very blood of the men who got it at the risk of their lives. He could not drink it. He must give it in worship to the Lord.

III. God’s Recognition of Servants (II Samuel 23:18-39)
Their names are printed on the pages of God’s holy word as an eternal tribute to their faithful service to David.

IV. God’s Reminder of Sin (II Samuel 23:39)
But David also learned of God’s forgiveness. He repented of his sin. And God forgave him.

2022-09-18: The Life of David — David’s Last Words

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 23:1-7

The Life of David
David’s Last Words
II Samuel 23:1-7

I do not think that these are literally the last words of David. More likely, these words are David’s testimony about the coming kingdom.

King David’s last words bear testimony to future generations as well.

I. The King’s Identity (II Samuel 23:1)
David was identifying his humble origin. David was the youngest of Jesse’s seven sons.

David was chosen by God not because David’s heart attracted God to him but because God’s heart was set on David.

II. The King’s Inspiration (II Samuel 23:2-3b)
The first eight lines of David’s last song were preparatory for what was to follow.

III. The King’s Instructions (II Samuel 23:3c-7)
Nevertheless, these words were a promise through David about a future ruler who would be a righteous ruler who ruled in the fear of God.

David’s instruction regarding the promise of future blessings is that his, and our, hope and joy should be focused on God’s covenant of grace.

David was warning all readers of future destruction that awaited all who did not embrace God’s covenant of grace.

You’ve got to decide whether those signs are there to save you or to ruin your fun. You’re of age-you decide.

2022-09-11: The Life of David — David’s Song of Deliverance

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 22:1-51

The Life of David
David’s Song of Deliverance
II Samuel 22:1-51

It is a marvelous song in which David praises God for the many ways in which he delivered David.

I think that David had a wonderfully clear understanding that God was his designer, creator, and fixer.

I. The Context of Praising God for His Deliverance (II Samuel 22:15-17)
He saw how the Lord had delivered him on numerous occasions from many enemies.

II. The Content of Praising God for His Deliverance (II Samuel 22:2-3)
In Matthew 5-7 Jesus was teaching his disciples how to live as citizens of his kingdom in world full of sin.

So, a “fortress” protects one from the enemy. A “shield” also protects one from the attacking missiles of the enemy.

As David contemplated the ways in which God had delivered him from so many situations, he praised God for being his savior.

In his stronghold, he had a strong sense of God delivering him from attacks.

When David was young and constantly on the run from Saul, it seems that he knew every hill, every valley, every cave, and every place to hide from Saul. It was in these places of refuge that God provided a refuge and safety for David.

David praised God for being his strength, shield, savior, security, and safety.

2022-08-28: The Life of David — David’s War With the Philistines

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 21:15-22

The Life of David
David’s War With the Philistines
II Samuel 21:15-22

It involves battles with four different giants.
Scholars debate whether this narrative is from early in David’s life or later in his life.

But enemies constantly threatened David and his kingdom. By opposing David, these enemies were also opposing God.

I. God Destroys Enemies by Preserving His Anointed (II Samuel 21:15-17)
It is more likely that he was much older now and prone to weariness.

God always has a way of preserving his anointed.
Think of Noah.

II. God Destroys Enemies by Honoring His Servants (II Samuel 21:17,18,19,21,22)
David is given the credit for these victories because he was God’s anointed king on earth.

It is right to honor God’s servants for faithful service.

III. God Destroys Enemies by Fulfilling His Promise (II Samuel 21:16,18,20,22)
The point of author in telling us about the demise of these four giants is that God is always faithful in fulfilling his promise.

If you have put your trust in Jesus Christ, God will bring you safely to your promised eternal home.

IV. God Destroys Enemies by Silencing His Enemies (II Samuel 21:20-22)
So, God destroys enemies by preserving his anointed, by honoring his servants, by fulfilling his promise, and by silencing his enemies.

2022-08-21: The Life of David — David Avenges the Gibeonites

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 21:1-14

The Life of David
David Avenges the Gibeonites
II Samuel 21:1-14

These chapters look back over the whole period of David’s reign (and earlier). The text is not arranged chronologically but thematically.

As we consider the account of David avenging the Gibeonites, it may feel as if God has a little black book called “Le Petit Maurice.”

I. The Offended Must Be Appeased
I don’t think it is a stretch to add a worldwide coronavirus pandemic to the category of “natural disaster.”

We believe that man was made in the image of God, that every person is of intrinsic worth before God, and that every individual has a right to the fullest possible opportunities for the development of life abundant and eternal.

Although God told David that the reason for the famine was Saul’s slaughter of the Gibeonites, he did not tell David what to do to correct the injustice.

We should always go to the Lord in prayer and ask him if our difficulty is because of some unconfessed sin.

II. The Guilty Must Be Punished (II Samuel 21:7-9)
The author quickly takes us back to this horrible account, as he writes in verses 8-9.

They may have protested that they were acting on their father’s and grandfather’s orders, but under Old Testament solidarity laws, God held them liable.

III. The Devoted Must Be Rewarded (II Samuel 21:10-14)
It undoubtedly did not take away her grief, but David’s action bestowed dignity upon the slain.

2022-08-14: The Life of David — David and the Rebellion of Sheba

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 20:1-26

The Life of David
David and the Rebellion of Sheba
II Samuel 20:1-26

But, even before he arrived in Jerusalem, another rebellion arose against David, which David considered even more dangerous than Absalom’s rebellion.

But David, like all of us, fell into sin. David’s failure showed that his kingdom was not the promised, eternal kingdom of God.

I. Rebellion (II Samuel 20:1-2)
David returned to Jerusalem with just a very small part of his kingdom still intact.

II. Sadness (II Samuel 20:3)
These precious women suffered because of David’s sin.

III. Instability (II Samuel 20:4-13)
Joab was extremely strong-willed and also extremely loyal to David, even though he at times disobeyed David.

IV. Deliverance (II Samuel 20:14-22)
Joab let her know that if she gave up Sheba, he would not destroy the city.

V. Administration (II Samuel 20:23-26)
However, the kind of leadership that is essential is humble and servant-hearted, not proud and ambitious.