2024-12-29: Empty the Jar at Christmas — The Journey He Made

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 1:1-5, John 1:9-14, Philippians 2:5-11

Empty the Jar at Christmas
The Journey He Made
John 1:1-5, John 1:9-14, Philippians 2:5-11

Today, I want to focus on the journey that Jesus made because that’s what Christmas is all about.

John begins by presenting three truths to show that the Word is God in John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word–the Word existed eternally.

John is proclaiming this to be true for the Word–from the beginning of time, light has always overcome darkness.

Even worse though–His own people, the Jews, not only didn’t receive Him, they even rejected Him.

He came to this earth, lived without sin, taught people how to live for God, healed the sick and raised the dead, then gave up His own life out of love for humanity.

We’re told that Jesus was obedient to the will of God–even to the point of death on a cross.

Jesus is the light that shines on all, the creator of all, the man who died and raised for all. He made this journey out of love for all.

2024-12-22: Empty the Jar at Christmas — The Sacrifice We Make

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 2:13-15

Empty the Jar at Christmas
The Sacrifice We Make
Matthew 2:13-15

I’ve done a study on the nativity stories in Matthew and Luke, and I found that Joseph never said anything, anywhere in the Gospels.

Joseph was kind of like the “silent partner” in the story. He never speaks up, never complains. He just does what he’s told.

God knew Joseph could be trusted to do what God wanted done.

Now, here’s the deal–you and I–our lives have a plan!

They didn’t view the time and the money and effort as being a sacrifice–they saw them as gifts of love.

If you love me, do whatever you’ve gotta do to take care of my church–my people…if you love me.

2024-12-15: Empty the Jar at Christmas — The Gifts We Bring

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 2:9-11

Empty the Jar at Christmas
The Gifts We Bring
Matthew 2:9-11

I suspect that each of those gifts was more like wrapping paper. Beautiful on the outside, but inside–there was something valuable hidden!

So hidden within that gift of Gold, was a proclamation: Jesus is King.

So, Frankincense was an offering (or a gift) to God. And hidden within that gift (to Jesus)…was this message: Jesus was God in the flesh.

So, the gift Myrrh the Wise-men brought declared Jesus had come to be our Priest.

The question today is this: What can I bring to Jesus? What kind of gifts can I bring to a God–a King–a Savior…who has everything?

2024-12-01: Empty the Jar at Christmas — Ready for the Journey

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 2:1-2

Empty the Jar at Christmas
Ready for the Journey
Matthew 2:1-2

I believe he did this to bring the point home that Jesus is for all of mankind.

The Persian wise men of their time likely learned about prophecies like Numbers 24:17.

Many had heard the shepherds declare that they had seen the messiah and were filled with wonder.

Again, I believe God had a greater purpose in sending the wise men and having Matthew include them in his gospel message.

And that is what some of you were. But…that’s the part that matters–who you are now.

Empty the jar–it’s about holding nothing back from God as we worship Him.