2023-12-31: Jesus Is Everything to Me Christmas — Christmas All Year Long

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 2:13-23

Jesus Is Everything to Me Christmas
Christmas All Year Long
Matthew 2:13-23

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we would take the spirit of Christmas with us all through the year?

Christmas is wonderful, and then plop, it’s face to face with reality once again?

As he thought about the Christ-child lying in a manger, he took off his tattered coat and laid it on the altar.

Our homes are important because it is at home that we not only talk about love and trust, but we learn to live with love and trust.

But what a difference it would make if we did take Christ into the marketplace, into the workplace, to school, and wherever we go–and not just leave Him in the manger.

But Jesus in our lives is the one thing that makes all the difference–that gives us a solid foundation, the strength to endure, and even to overcome.

May the songs of peace and goodwill be in our hearts forever.