2024-09-08: Spiritual Armor — Fully Battle Ready

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:17-18

Spiritual Armor
Fully Battle Ready
Ephesians 6:17-18

This word of God is the word that gets deep inside of us. It’s the scripture that gives us power.

This sounds like a strange sight unless we understand that the two-edged sword is the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

When He spoke that word at his enemy, it became a double-edged sword.

The writer of Hebrews states that God’s word is alive, powerful, and more deadly than the sword of the Roman soldier.

Prayer of Consecration
This type of prayer indicates that you are willing to totally surrender your life to God’s will.

Prayer of Petition
It is knowing that God, and He alone, is able to provide for your need.

Prayer of Authority
But God knows that if you meet these two criteria then you will not demand anything contrary to his desires for you.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
If you are only thankful for the pleasantries in life, then your spear has become of no effect against the enemy.

Prayer of Supplication
This is where we pray for each other. We are to pray for all people.

Prayer of Intercession
This is the most powerful prayer we have against Satan.

2024-08-25: Spiritual Armor — The Protecting Helmet

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:17

Spiritual Armor
The Protecting Helmet
Ephesians 6:17

Just as this helmet is designed to protect the head of the soldier from a hit that could take his life, our helmet of salvation is designed to protect our mind.

If he can get into your mind, he will begin to play mind games with you.

Satan will do all he can to keep you away from those who want to help you on a spiritual level and he does so with mind games.

Make this verse personal. “I will destroy every proud obstacle that keeps me from knowing God. I will capture my rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey God.”

When you have salvation covering your mind as a Roman soldier had his helmet to protect his head, then Satan’s plans are doomed.

Salvation gives us power.
Salvation gives us love for one another.
Salvation gives us self-control.
Salvation gives us a sound mind.

2024-08-18: Spiritual Armor — The Shield That Covers

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts Ephesians 6:15-16

Spiritual Armor
The Shield That Covers
Ephesians 6:15-16

Paul related the shoes to the peace of God. We are assured of our firm footing when battling the forces sent against us.

These shields carried into battle were the size of doors. And like a door covers you when you are behind it, so did these shields.

Paul relates this shield to our faith. It is our faith that protects us.

So where does faith begin?

How do I know if my faith is big enough?

Each soldier would be equipped with a shield to fit him. God does the same with faith.

So how do I take care of this faith?

If the only time you soak your faith in the cleansing water of God’s truth is on the occasions that you come to church, your shield of faith is dry.

What about those times when my faith feels so weak?

We should be able to call on each other for prayer support when we are in a spiritual battle.

God’s promise to us.

Once again, we see the joint effort between us and God. He will protect us by his power not ours.

2024-08-11: Spiritual Armor — Let It Shine

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts Ephesians 6:14

Spiritual Armor
Let It Shine
Ephesians 6:14

Although the belt was the only part of the armor not made of metal, and although it seemed to be the least significant, the belt actually played an important role.

Righteousness. Is the act of doing what is in agreement with God’s standards, which leads to the state of being in the proper relationship with God.

God has provided a way for us to be in right standing with him no matter what we do.

So, Jesus willingly went to the cross and offered his blood to cover man’s sin forever

When we are wearing our armor of righteousness, we can pray with confidence.

This is the result of understanding righteousness. It gives us a confidence to follow God’s lead through the Holy Spirit.

2024-08-04: Spiritual Armor — Tighten Up Your Belt

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts Ephesians 6:14-18

Spiritual Armor
Tighten Up Your Belt
Ephesians 6:14-18

As Paul analyzed the soldier that stood before him, he observed his body armor.

With all of this glorious shining metal, notice the Holy Spirit points Paul to what seems to be the most unimportant part of the armor, the belt.

Think about this. The belt of truth is the only part of our spiritual armor that can be held in our hand.

If your body armor is full of holes, the only way you can patch them is by putting on the belt of truth and making the written word a top priority.

The only way you can quit stumbling in your shoes of peace is by putting on your belt of truth and let the word fill your life.

If Satan has slapped your shield of faith from your hand, the only way to retrieve it is by putting on your belt of truth and allowing the Holy Spirit to renew your faith by the word of God.

If Satan has crushed your helmet of salvation, the only way to restore it is by putting on the belt of truth and allowing the Word of God to give you the assurance of your salvation.

If Satan has broken your sword of the Spirit, the only way to repair it is to put on the belt of truth and hang it from your side.