2024-07-28: Thinking Outside the Walls — The Power of the Presence

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 4:5-31

Thinking Outside the Walls
The Power of the Presence
Acts 4:5-31

We are not called to defend the walls of our church building, but instead we are to storm the very gates of Hell.

But the Bible wants us to understand that the reason Peter was so bold was because God was right there with him.

I’m more of the school of thought that the Spirit is an active and vibrant force in the life of the believer.

While the Spirit may help you and I to occasionally to say something that speaks to a person’s heart–it helps to be prepared.

And I’m convinced that–if you pray about it beforehand–the Spirit can begin to tinker with the hearts of those you’d like to talk to.

In other words–you’ll know you’ve been walking by the Spirit when your life is filled with love, joy, peace, etc.

2024-07-21: Thinking Outside the Walls — We Must Obey

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 5:17-32

Thinking Outside the Walls
We Must Obey
Acts 5:17-32

“If the Bible and I don’t agree, I must be wrong.”

People in places like Turkey, China, and India have to decide if their love for Jesus is more important than their love for life.

What makes one qualified to speak about salvation?

We should be praying about all things; it only makes sense that we would pray to prepare for the coming persecution.

We also are empowered by the Holy Spirit, so we need to constantly be in prayer. As we do so, we need to trust in God.

You’ll have the strength to comprehend the breadth, length, height, and depth of God’s love–it’s immense.

The Sanhedrin reminds them that they had been warned about preaching Jesus, but the apostles declared, “We must obey God rather than men!”

Let’s live our lives in such a way that people see us and give glory to God.

2024-07-14: Thinking Outside the Walls — Preparing for War

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 2:41-47

Thinking Outside the Walls
Preparing for War
Acts 2:41-47

Jesus built His church (not of brick and mortar) but with people like you and me.

Too many churches don’t give a clear call for battle.

In the same way, if you’re gonna be a soldier of the Cross–you need to be here!

Everything we know about Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, Church, Christian living, etc. It’s all in the Bible.

Fellowship is all about creating a church that hangs together, and works together, and understands the goals of the group.

It’s just that when we pray as a group it unleashes power from God in a unique way.

And when we meet to worship God–we talk about the Bible; we do Fellowship; we focus in Communion on Christ’s sacrifice; and we pray. When we do that, we prepare for war.

2024-07-07: Thinking Outside the Walls — Walls Come Tumbling Down

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 2:36-41

Thinking Outside the Walls
Walls Come Tumbling Down
Acts 2:36-41

So, Jesus was going to build His church, and the purpose of the church was to attack the gates of hell.

We should all be looking for ways to reach beyond the walls!

Peter had said something that made them question their relationship with God.

Now what that suggests to me is that you can tear down the walls of people’s indifference to Jesus by just asking them a few questions.

Now there’s all kinds of questions you can ask people, but one last question might be: “If you died today…what would happen to you?”