2022-05-29: The Life of David — David Rebuked by Nathan

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 12:1-15

The Life of David
David Rebuked by Nathan
II Samuel 12:1-15

Many months passed by after King David’s sin against Bathsheba and Uriah. Bathsheba became pregnant and David was confronted by Nathan after the birth of that child.

The narrative of David being rebuked by Nathan is really a story of God’s grace reaching out to an adopted son who has grievously sinned in order to restore him to fellowship with himself.

I. The First Step Is Conviction (II Samuel 12:1-12)
Nathan used an indirect approach with David. If he had started by saying that David had sinned, David might have been defensive or dismissive.

Nathan did not wait for David to respond. He went on to pronounce the findings of the Lord who was David’s judge.

So, the first step God uses to restore sinners back into fellowship with himself is conviction of sin.

II. The Second Step Is Repentance (II Samuel 12:13a)
David understood the magnitude of his sin and he repented of his sin.

III. The Third Step Is Forgiveness (II Samuel 12:13b-15)
However, I do want to remind us that God is just in all his ways and he never does anything wrong.

Whatever our sin, let us be convicted of our sin, truly repent of our sin, and then receive God’s forgiveness for our sin.