2024-12-15: Empty the Jar at Christmas — The Gifts We Bring

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 2:9-11

Empty the Jar at Christmas
The Gifts We Bring
Matthew 2:9-11

I suspect that each of those gifts was more like wrapping paper. Beautiful on the outside, but inside–there was something valuable hidden!

So hidden within that gift of Gold, was a proclamation: Jesus is King.

So, Frankincense was an offering (or a gift) to God. And hidden within that gift (to Jesus)…was this message: Jesus was God in the flesh.

So, the gift Myrrh the Wise-men brought declared Jesus had come to be our Priest.

The question today is this: What can I bring to Jesus? What kind of gifts can I bring to a God–a King–a Savior…who has everything?