2024-06-02: God’s Holy Spirit — The Holy Spirit in the Life of a Christian

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Romans 8:5-10

God’s Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit in the Life of a Christian
Romans 8:5-10

American independence has taught us to “do it yourself” and then if you encounter problems ask for help. But that is not God’s plan nor preference.

These “come-outers” held no formal church membership, had no governing church officials, and recognized no ministerial credentials.

The Bible does teach us that the Holy Spirit is active in a believer’s life.

We are sanctified by the Holy Spirit…that is we are set apart from our old life of sin to serve God and live a life of holiness.

In Christ, there is a new beginning–and that new beginning is aided by the power and presence of God’s Holy Spirit.

God’s Word and God’s Spirit work in tandem guide us toward sanctification to move us to holiness of character that readies us for life to come.

So, we must ask ourselves, am I growing in Christ and what are the indicators of my growth?

There is a stark difference between ’emotionalism’ and emotions that stem from a true heart of worship.