2024-06-09: God’s Holy Spirit — The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Corinthians 12:4-11

God’s Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
I Corinthians 12:4-11

For those who do not embrace God’s gift of salvation, they will be swept up like chaff on the threshing floor and burned in fire.

The Old Testament validated that God’s Word is true and sure and that is why we must rely on God’s inspired Word as the ultimate source of truth.

In the early church, God gave various miraculous powers referred to by Paul as gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The washing, rebirth, and renewal, emphasis clearly falls on the Holy Spirit as the source of the new life God has made available to believers.

God’s Word can open hearts and minds to the things of God but it is the Holy Spirit that moves one to conversion and a life consecrated to Christ.

I think it is obvious that there is a disconnect between the church of today and the church of 2,000 years ago.

In most cases we have not allowed God’s Spirit to work in us or among us.